On Tuesday, October 11, 2011 08:32 AM, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:

Quite true.  At this point, though, the admin space is the issue.

I come from a Linux background with my experience being done on Redhat Linux, Fedora, Centos and Ubuntu. I have also worked on FreeBSD and OpenBSD. I do not see a problem in the admin space. You can get various GNU tools on OpenIndiana. As for configuration files, they differ from distro to distro so you cannot even claim admin space familiarity in Linux space because there is no single admin environment. Other than that, everybody has to deal with different layouts for configuration files for the daemons in common be they apache, BIND, ntpd, nfsd.

If you cannot be bothered to learn like the rest of us who came over from Linux space, then please stop bothering us.

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