> Message du 12/02/12 15:29
> De : "Gary Mills" 

> Yes, this is what I said in November on
> pkgbuild-sfe-de...@lists.sourceforge.net:
> This spec file is no longer required. The recent Oracle Solaris 11
> release includes a DHCP server based on ISC version 4.1. Other than
> being based on this older version, it has all the features of mine.


Here are others diffs between Solaris 11 and oi_151a

- wu-ftpd is replaced by ProFTPD

- nwamcfg and nwamadm renamed netcfg netadm

And Some oi_151a minor bugs

- CLI ftp client do not check .netrc permissions (600 recommended)

- BIND manual page not found

> It's also available in Openindiana's upstream components and will be
> included in a future version of Openindiana.

Since prestable came last month, who knows a date for the stable OI release ?

next month ?
next year ?

Best regards.

> -- 
> -Gary Mills- -refurb- -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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