
 I have attempted to install Open Indiana 15a on a SuperMicro X8SIL
motherboard with 8 GB of ram and an Intel Core i3 CPU. I created the
usb installer from mac os X as described in the wiki.

I was able to boot the X8SIL-F from the usb, but after I select the
version of open Indiana to boot (I have tried all the variants
starting with the first) and select the language US-English [47] and
select the English keyboard [7] I see a message reading 'configuring
system' and it reboots. I've tried several times and the result is the

I don't have any expansion cards and have tested the memory.

I looked up my motherboard on the motherboard matrix on the oi wiki
and found this result:

Intel 82574L dual nic and IPMI.
tested under oi_148b

 I have also tried yanking one of the memory chips and operating with
4 GB of ram.

Could it be that 15a is not compatible with the X8SIL-F motherboard?
If so is there a place where I can download the old oi_148b version?

Thanks in advance,

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