On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 15:22, Jan Owoc <jso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If that were an apt repository, one could navigate to the .deb files
> themselves and download them to be installed offline with dpkg. Once
> one finds a package in the above web interface, there are only 3
> things one can download:
> -> Package Information Summary
> -> a p5i file that contains only the package description (not the actual 
> files)
> -> Package Manifest (list of files w/ checksums, no actual files)
> Using just the web browser (or tools available on GNU/Linux systems),
> how does one download the actual files for this package?
> pkg://openindiana.org/developer/gcc-3@3.4.3,5.11-

Use the 'pkgrecv' utility. The IPS package system does not have
anything comparable to .deb files, where an entire package is
contained in a single file, instead each file which makes up the
package is downloaded individually from the repository server. The
'pkgrecv' utility does however allow you to download all files which
makes up a package, and then install that by using a file:///...

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Jeppe Toustrup (aka. Tenzer)

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