On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
<r...@karlsbakk.net> wrote:
>> > The patch allowing this option was, for various reasons, rejected,
>> > and no such option currently exists.
>> Are you able to forward a link to the reasons?
>> I'm asking because were they technical (i.e. something breaks), or
>> merely political (and there isn't a reason why OI couldn't ship zpool
>> with the patch)?
> IIRC the reason was that the patch breaks standard syntax, and that certain 
> people thought it bad to fix what appears to be a hardware issue with drives 
> reporting wrong sector size.
> I don't have any disk with advanced format, so I can't test - is there a way 
> to query the disk somehow to find if it's using 4k sectors? Model lookup 
> seems an ugly way to do this, and although the patch added an option to force 
> it, it's not an optimal solution. More discussions and a drop-in replacement 
> for zpool can be found here 
> http://wiki.openindiana.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4883847

Most hard drives manufactured this year will be advanced format. It
may still be several years before we get hard drives that don't lie.

I haven't found any way to query the drive, other than looking up the
model number on the manufacturer's website (which isn't always easy,
and sometimes finds conflicting information because you get a
"logical" size of 512 and a "physical" size of 4k).

> Also, I posted a bug report for it here https://www.illumos.org/issues/2663

Thanks :-). We can now track the progress of the OI-specific
discussion about this issue.

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