I just have updated OI from a3 to a4.  it's OK for my old Pentium IV 
(Microstar  MS-6585).


I found the following error  with dmesg (not related with a4 update, and also  
found in old messages.[01234] logs )


May  1 10:10:00 eos savecore: [ID 570001 auth.error] reboot after panic: 
hment_remove() missing in hash table pp=fccf9250, ht=d75f50f0,entry=0x2f3 hash 
May  1 10:10:00 eos savecore: [ID 362314 auth.error] Panic crashdump pending on 
dump device but dumpadm -n in effect; run savecore(1M) manually to extract. 
Image UUID 70d99465-1991-64d8-9547-eb1376f047de.


I found no /var/crash nor /var/crash/eos on my system.


mkdir -p /var/crash/eos ;  savecore ; rm /var/crash/eos/*    solve that error.


At the first reboot I also have 2 times :


Warning nvidia has no quiesce


I replaced some month ago Openindiana NVIDIA driver with  NVIDIA 173.14.32 (the 
last available for the GeForce FX 5200).

I have a doubt about which is the better choice for an old component  like 
GeForce FX 5200 on an old desktop with only 1,2 Go RAM :


- Xorg NV driver

- NVIDIA 173.14.32


Any idea about ? 




I  found 2 links about Filezilla for OpenSolaris.


 http://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Unofficial_Binaries (Woks under OI)






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