I'd also suggest integration with automount, and not make an
unnecessary boot-time dependency via /etc/vfstab.

Make sure that in /etc/auto_master you have such a line:

/-              auto_direct

This makes sure that arbitrary paths (unlike fixed /home or
/net defined in other lines) can be automounted.

Then create (or append to) the file /etc/auto_direct lines
like this one to auto-mount into "/cifs/fileserver/sharename"
directory (which you precreate manually):

### Automount some popular cifs shares
/cifs/fileserver/sharename -noprompt,fstype=smbfs,dirperms=0555,fileperms=444,uid=nobody,gid=nobody //WORKGROUP;usern...@fileserver.domain.name/sharename

I am not sure how to pass a password this way; maybe root's
~/.smbrc or something like this can help, or you can put the
password into the mounter parameters - if no untrusted users
are on the system (who can view the process list and get the
password you'd want unknown).

If you routinely use (i.e. copy-paste) CIFS share names with
specific casing, you can also pre-create symlinks, i.e.

  ln -s ./sharename /cifs/fileserver/ShareName

Ultimately, "svcadm restart autofs" should apply the config.


2012-07-08 4:28, Mike La Spina wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: michelle [mailto:miche...@msknight.com]
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 6:33 PM
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Mounting smb IN OI

On 07/07/12 23:35, Yuri Pankov wrote:
It should be pretty straightforward, e.g. the following works for me:
sirius:root:~# svcadm enable -s idmap
sirius:root:~# svcadm enable -s smb/client sirius:root:~# mount -F
smbfs //yuri@altair/Videos /mnt

And now I can browse the CIFS share mount on /mnt...

Take a look at nsmbrc(4) to automate things a bit.

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