I managed to figure this out once in the past, but unfortunately did not
make my usual copious notes and now I can't seem to get it to work on a new
server. The issue is that I want to install true-type fonts, as available
from the links on this page  http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/  so my
Jasper reporting application that's running on OI 151_a4 can use them.

I was able to download the webfonts.tar.gz package, un-tar/gunzip it, which
leaves me with a group of Microsoft executables, one for each font. I then
used cabextract running on a Linux box to extract all the TTFs from the
Microsoft exe. I then copied the fonts into /etc/fonts on the OI box, and
ran fc-cache /etc/fonts. That finishes without giving me an error, but the
developer of the report tells me the font is still not working.

If anyone has done this before, can you give me a tip on what I might be
missing? Then I can document it this time :-)


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