For some reason, I had really thought that Plex was open source.  I at
least thought there were a Mac OS X version of it.

Looking closer, I see that there are clients for different platforms,
but the server piece is proprietary lunux software.  I am glad I check
out the home page before I stuck my foot into my mouth.  :)

In reviewing the wikipedia page on Plex, I see that Plex is a fork of
XBMC, which does appear to be open source.

Would XBMC meet your needs/requirements?  If so, would it make more
sense to try and get XBMC running vs Plex?  Or is there a specific
feature that is only available on Plex?

I am just trying to understand your requirements better.


On 08/19/12 05:20 PM, Carl Brewer wrote:
> Just a quick one, I've never played with Solaris|OI containers, I
> understand they can be used to run a GNU/linux server of some
> flavour(s).  I'm interested in a home Plex server - which AFAIK only
> runs on some versions of GNU/Linux.  Has anyone here spun up a server in
> a container and run something like Plex on it?  Any war stories?
> thanks!
> Carl

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