This is to bad to be true. 
Do I really read people writing down that they have seen Linux outperform
"I spent over a decade developing big data software, primarily on Solaris. I
have seen workloads that bring a 64-core Solaris box to its knees with
massively multi-threaded, big-memory footprint applications. Linux handled
the same load with aplomb."
I have seen this too! It happened while Solaris created all the threads it
needed for the process and Linux just emulated some multithreading and by
that handled every piece one or two threads at a time. Linux didn't break,
but it just took 1000x times longer to process. 

But back to the main problem. We have no "president of the core" at this
moment. This means that the last piece of resistance against the
"commercials" will start to crumble. 

It is a true nightmare that the hard work of a lot of volunteers and the
people of the old Sun company dies because it has been sucked empty by the
commercial snakes. How Is it possible that companies can take
opensource-code, wrap a commercial GUI around it, close/disable most of the
opensource features and then sell it as a unique product? 

I am not a programmer but a enthusiast user/admin of Solaris 10, OpenIndiana
and Solaris 11. I also use Windows 2003, Windows 2008 Datacenter and
OpenSuse11 in projects. The things I can do with OpenIndiana and Solaris 10,
the way they perform with websites and MySQL databases have I never seen on
any other platform.  

Ok, there is a lot of hardware that will not run OpenIndiana out of the box,
and Openindiana is a bit difficult to use, update and alter. And yes, it has
a steep learningcurve and because of that there is a need for solid
documentation. But there was a lot of documentation, this could be found at
the old SUN site, but Oracle has changed and almost secured their
documentsites so there are fewer resources for that. 

The main question now are: 
Who wants to be the President? 
Do we want to start a sort of election? 
Who wants to lead this project through the battlefield?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Koelmeyer [mailto:dave.koelme...@davekoelmeyer.co.nz] 
Sent: vrijdag 31 augustus 2012 8:32
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] "OpenIndiana lead Alasdair Lumsden

On 31/08/12 01:10 PM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> On 08/30/12 06:08 PM, Dave Koelmeyer wrote:
>> And the "farewell" message (if you can call it that) here:
>> http://lwn.net/Articles/514046/
> http://openindiana.org/pipermail/oi-dev/2012-August/thread.html has 
> the original message and responses on the developer list.
Interesting, although I can't post to that list.

It's sad and disappointing and understandable and all that for the project
lead to quit, but seriously: waking up this morning to read without warning
that I was a bonehead for ever considering OpenIndiana, and that the hours,
and hours, and hours I dedicated to evangelizing OpenIndiana was actually
stupid because at the end of the day Linux is good enough? Well, I sincerely
hope *this* is final:

 > From:          Alasdair Lumsden <alasdairrr-AT-gmail.com>
 > To:          oi-dev-AT-openindiana.org
 > ...I have no wish to return to the project in a leadership capacity.

Dave Koelmeyer

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