
Oracle is deprecating the Sun dhcp server and replacing it with ISC based upon what I've been reading. It's one of the reasons that Oracle pushed changes to the ISC source. Regardless, I have no reason to replace the server since it has everything I need in a dhcp server. Others don't agree.

That said, the Oracle client is missing IPV6 prefix delegation which is a hole for me and will become for more people that have ISPs that use this feature to assign blocks of ipv6 IPs. Without this, you will only get a single IP address from these ISPs. Since ipv6 does not support NAT there is no alternative if you want to use OpenIndiana as a firewall/router. There are firewall/router boxes that do perform this function. DD-WRT and similar do have an implementation but it is very buggy.

I currently get around this by using an ipv6 over ipv4 tunnel to HE, but this not a good final solution.


On 9/6/12 9:13 AM, Jonathan Adams wrote:
On 6 September 2012 02:51, Bob Friesenhahn <> wrote:
On Wed, 5 Sep 2012, Gary Gendel wrote:
If the answer is that I should be able to replace it, the next question is
if anyone has done this before and how difficult this would be to do.

I assume you are talking about the client and not the server?  If you are
talking about the client, then it seems possible to do this via an upgrade.

If you are talking about the server, unless the ISC version is truely a
drop-in replacement, it would be best to make it an add-on package using
different directories so that it is possible to migrate from one to the
other and not crater users networks due to an update.  As Gordon Ross
mentions, the Sun dhcp server has nice integration with a dhcpmgr GUI (which
I use under Solaris 10).
(All following comments are about the DHCP server)

I happened to hate the GUI that came with the DHCP server, and always
relied on the dhtadm and pntadm commands ...

I assume that the ISC version will not use these commands, and will
probably not be able to talk to the same datastores as the Sun version

if the commands are different, or the datastores are not
accessible/convertible then I would advise against replacing the Sun
server with the ISC server, but look instead to changing the
svc:/network/dhcp-server:default to svc:/network/dhcp-server:oracle
and creating a new ISC svc:/network/dhcp-server:isc or something

If the ISC is not a drop in replacement and someone upgrades they will
find that their server no longer works, and being a DHCP server will
find that their network also no longer works.


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