The pathological complexity is in the morass of sac/saf stuff.  It was much 
simpler in 4.1.1. And is simpler on other *nix.

C-Kermit installed from source was my immediate response to the problem but I 
found it didn't seem to have the ability to do anything either which *really* 
surprised me.  Perhaps you can direct me to kermit documentation that tells how 
to convert NL from the remote host to NL-CR on the terminal.  I spent a great 
deal of time reading the docs and experimenting w/o finding  way.

If I continue down this rabbit hole, I'm going to run a loop from a real serial 
port to a USB  adapter port w/ terminals at both ends.  However, that requires 
configuring OI on another system. And I don't have a system w/ 2 serial ports 
so it's just a cobble anyway. As the required effort grows, the motivation is 

Have Fun!

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