
I think that first we need to speed up the process of publication of 
contributed software,
for example I have contributed 2 software (dcmtk, xmedcon)  to illumos in 2011, 
and after the approval and corrections they are not published yet.
In the mean time due to my work  I ported several other software , we use for 
daily job, but I'm doubtful whether to publish or not due to this very 
difficult process.


On 09/12/12 09:32 PM, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
On Wed, 12 Sep 2012, Milan Jurik wrote:

It would be useful to build up a comparison matrix of top packages in
the Debian Popularity Contest (http://popcon.debian.org/) and compare
these packages to the ones that OpenIndiana currently offers to make
sure that OpenIndiana is not ignoring popular packages which might
easily compile and be useful on OpenIndiana.

I would prefer to avoid such way. Sun internal people know how such
thing ends... Packages should be added by people who need them and
volunteer to maintain them. Otherwise system is full of popular packages
which are not maintained.

I agree that adding new packages is not trivial and each package needs a maintainer. However, it would be good to know about any commonly-installed portable packages in stable Linux distributions that OI is missing. Knowledge of something missing does not mean that OI is prepared to accept it. Many OI users are traditional Solaris users and might not also use Linux so they may not be aware of something useful which is missing.

My impression is that OI + SFE is doing pretty good with the selection of packages, but some packages in OI are in need of being updated and can be updated without any risk. For example, I found an annoying bug in OI's emacs which made it somewhat unusable. The issue is not specific to OI because emacs in Ubuntu 10.4 has the same bug and the bug is well known. The SFE version of emacs is new enough to solve that bug.


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