The problem is when people are overly paranoid because the feature
exists and end up causing problems by doing scrubs when they should not
because they feel they need to. Skilled admins also understand SLAs.


On Fri, 2012-10-12 at 14:38 -0700, Reginald Beardsley wrote:

> --- On Fri, 10/12/12, Michael Stapleton <> 
> wrote:
> > 
> > I'm only writing this because I get the feeling some people
> > think scrubs
> > are a need. Maybe people associate doing scrubs with
> > something like
> > doing NTFS defrags?
> >
> I normally do scrubs when I think about it.  Which has been a long time 
> between scrubs in most cases.  I got more interested in doing it regularly 
> when I encountered SMART errors for excessive sector remapping after a 
> reboot.  I don't know if a scrub would detect that or not.
> The admin skills in this list vary from very high to very low. High skill 
> admins take any threat to system integrity seriously and try to reduce it.  
> At a job I worked many years ago, the admins were replacing several failed 
> disks every week in the RAID arrays.  If you have lots of disks, you will 
> have lots of failures.  There are a lot of companies w/ many petabytes of 
> data on disk.  Even w/ 4 TB drives, that's still a lot of drives.  And you're 
> always stuck running disks which are several years old and failing more often.
> Have Fun!
> Reg
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