On 10/18/2012 12:16 AM, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
On 10/17/12 04:58 PM, Andrey N. Oktyabrski wrote:
On 17.10.12 00:15, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
But these drivers will only work (and load automatically) if
the device complies to the USB audio class specification, which
should be seen in prtconf -v as either usbif,class1.1 or
usbif,class1.2 for your device. If not, you need a proprietary
driver for that specific gadget.
Do you mean this string?
value='usbif1852,8005.1.config1.0' + 'usbif1852,8005.config1.0' +
'usbif1852,class3.0.0' + 'usbif1852,class3.0' + 'usbif1852,class3' +
'usbif,class3.0.0' + 'usbif,class3.0' + 'usbif,class3'

So this device will not work with OI. No luck...
Anyway, thank you.

Uhm, class3 is just Human Interface Device class, without
specifics. You could just try to bind these to the usb_ac/_as
as a wild guess via /etc/driver_aliases:

usb_ac "usbif1852,8005.1.config1.0" or "usbif1852,8005.config1.0"
usb_as "usbif1852,class3"

then plug and pray....But devices proprely designed for the USB
audio class would give class1.1 and 1.2, so I don't expect that
that will work.
Does not work.

I've compiled and installed OSS 4.2 in separate BE, and it does not work too.

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