On 01/31/2013 07:59 PM, Stefan Müller-Wilken wrote:
> Hi there,
>>> They are two different animals.  Below is what he posted to this
>>> list on December 17.  I'm trying to save him some trouble here,
>>> since he's not living in very good conditions.
>> I hadn't originally noticed this extensive list, though I was aware that
>> he was working on something. Big Kudos to Martin for this work, it
>> appears to have been a herculean effort, and to think that he did this
>> alone while living on a shoestring budget just boggles the mind.
> But with that in mind, wouldn't it be even more appropriate to align the 
> effort with OpenIndiana to form its Sparc edition? That would free Martin 
> from having to spend time on dist packaging while bringing OpenIndiana closer 
> to providing one-stop distribution. I mean, it is absolutely his project and 
> he can do whatever he pleases, but wouldn't that help him, too?

It depends. OI is (AFAIK) strictly based on OpenSolaris' vision, which
has IPS at its core with a hybrid Solaris/GNU userland (where
appropriate), and therefore is close to Oracle Solaris 11. As far as I
understand it, Martin based OpenSXCE's vision on Solaris Express
Community Edition which used SVR4 packaging and traditional Solaris
userland. That being said, I haven't actually installed OpenSXCE yet
(though I plan to give it a go in the very near future).

As for the endless packaging discussion: I will use whatever gets the
job done, be it SVR4 or IPS packaging. Both have their strengths and
weaknesses and I can appreciate both to some extent. I like OI's modern
design, and OpenSXCE's solid Solaris tradition.

Therefore, it will be up to Martin and the OI dev community to determine
how much of the effort can be shared. Naturally, we should strive as a
community to do things as efficiently as possible and avoid re-inventing
the wheel.


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