On 03/12/13 16:53, Hans J. Albertsson wrote:
> I sort of expected
> echo {Z..Ö}
> to generate
> Z Å Ä Ö
> when LC_ALL was set to sv_SE.UTF-8
> But it doesn't. Seems like a bug, or what??

It doesn't seem to do that on any of the platforms I tested.  Given that
the bash documentation for "echo" says that it deals in 8-bit
characters, this doesn't seem terribly surprising to me.

> Found while hacking some scripts for backup and indexing stuff. Major
> showstopper, actually.

How so?  If it were a new problem or one specific to OpenIndiana, I
could see it being pretty serious, but it doesn't seem like either of those.

Instead, it sounds like an opportunity to try out the work in some other
scripting environment that has explicit Unicode support, such as Python.

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carls...@workingcode.com>

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