On 2013-03-20 11:05, Jim Klimov wrote:
That said, bmc from sxce snv_130 or so does work on OI copied ditto
(search the net for my posts last year or so). There were some tricks
to use it with Thumper's botched IPMI card implementation, but that
applied originally as well.

Also, the original SXCE bmc driver is closed-source, hence it is
not in illumos, and hence the license restrictions such as not
redistribution other than as part of OpenSolaris.

It was discussed that an open-sourced (bsd?) driver port was worked
on, but I am not sure whether that has been completed and integrated.
Probably, the nice people at Joyent or some other hosting-oriented
illumos contributor would have more to say on this :)


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