I've just built illumos-gate in zone and now I'm trying to install it in the base system. However, pkg exits with error during update:

# ./usr/src/tools/scripts/onu -t illumos-2013-05-30-patched -d /zones/build/root/export/home/build/srcs/illumos-gate/packages/i386/nightly/
Created successfully
Mounted successfully on: '/tmp/onu.5yaiLU'
            Packages to remove:  1
       Create boot environment: No
Create backup boot environment: No

PHASE                                        ACTIONS
Removal Phase                                    5/5

PHASE                                          ITEMS
Package State Update Phase                       1/1
Package Cache Update Phase                       1/1
Image State Update Phase                         2/2
pkg: 2/3 catalogs successfully updated:

file protocol error: code: 37
URL: 'file://zones/build/root/export/home/build/srcs/illumos-gate/packages/i386/nightly/repo.redist/catalog/catalog.attrs'. (happened 4 times)

pkg -R /tmp/onu.5yaiLU refresh --full failed: exit code 3

What can be a reason for this and how can it be fixed?
Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
system administrator of Computer Center of Southern Federal University

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