Robbie Crash <> writes:

> I've got an OI box joined to my AD at home, over gigabit, which is accessed
> by 5 Windows (Server 2008R2, Server 2012, 7, 8 and 8.1) boxes regularly
> over the built in CIFS server. I faced the same permissions issues you're
> mentioning, and solved them here <>. Aside from
> those permissions issues, I initially had some issues with speed when
> accessing 100MB+ Photoshop/Illustrator files via Adobe Bridge. Once I
> enabled Jumbo Frames, those issues went away. I now get between 100 and
> 115MB/sec sustained transfer speeds, so the freeze is only a second or two
> while the Adobe program loads the data which is unavoidable.
> That said, I had those same speed problems when accessing the same files
> off a native Windows Server 2008R2, I think but it may've just been 2008,
> share.

Really good news thanks for the verification and the Jumbo Frames tip.

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