Hi everyone,

I'm having real fun and games trying to get ipfilter to start at boot.
The following seems to work once booted:

svccfg -s ipfilter:default setprop firewall_config_default/policy astring: 
svcadm refresh ipfilter:default
svcadm enable ipfilter:default

However a reboot removes that property, and the service transitions to

Aug 11 17:07:46/511 ERROR: svc:/network/ipfilter:default: Method 
"/lib/svc/method/ipfilter reload" failed with exit status 96.
Aug 11 17:07:46/511: network/ipfilter:default misconfigured: transitioned to 
maintenance (see 'svcs -xv' for details)

svcs -xv shows nothing. 

I did a little more digging around, and it looks like I've got something
wrong with nwam:

network-physical:nwam.log: nwamd: kstat_open operation failed: No such file or 

I opted to use the NCU/NCP means of assigning a static IP rather than
disabling NWAM and assigning IPs manually:

nwamcfg:ncp:wilson> list ncu phys bge0
        type                    link
        class                   phys
        parent                  "wilson"
        activation-mode         prioritized
        enabled                 true
        priority-group          0
        link-autopush           " "
nwamcfg:ncp:wilson> list ncu ip bge0
        type                    interface
        class                   ip
        parent                  "wilson"
        enabled                 true
        ip-version              ipv4,ipv6
        ipv4-addrsrc            static
        ipv4-addr               ""
        ipv4-default-route      ""
        ipv6-addrsrc            dhcp,autoconf,static
        ipv6-addr               "2001:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"
        ipv6-default-route      "2001:xx:xx:xx::1"

Can anyone help?



Richard Jones                                      +44 7843 588 599
              "Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur"              
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