On 13-09-25 06:03 PM, Harry Putnam wrote:
Rich <rerc...@acm.jhu.edu> writes:

You don't _need_ an AD domain for it, but you probably need a method
of mapping users between your Windows host and your Solaris host.

The errors in your log say that you have guest access disabled - what
account are you attempting to use to access the shares? Is it one
local to the OI host, a Windows account, or something else entirely?
Yes, I saw that but:

No guest access is involved, far as I know. My user doing the
accessing is logged in with a psswrd on windows host, I open the
windows explorer, navigate to the share I see being offered by the OI
machine, click it, and am offered an authentication dialog.  I fill it
in with my OI users name and passwd but it is rejected.

That username also owns the directory that makes up the share.

I did reset my OI passwds with the regular unix passwd command, once I
had installed the critical line in /etc/pam.conf:
   other password required pam_smb_passwd.so.1 nowarn

After googling a little
about AD and idmap, I see that idmap only comes into play if you are
using AD.

I also saw where one should either have AD setup or Workgroups setup.
In my case I have joined a work group that my windows host is also a
member of.

Apparently I'm missing something important but darned if I'm seeing
what it is.

Is there not a set of commands that will reveal where the problem is?

To summarize the steps I have taken:

   Set the smb/service running with svcsadm enable -r
   Created several zfs filesystems with the sharesmb option turned on.
   Joined a workgroup with the same name as my windows OS is in.
   Added the line posted up above to /etc/pam.conf
   Reset my users passwd on OI with standard Unix passwd tool.

There have been several reboots during this time... and yet another
within the last hour, just in case that would help.

So far all attempts for my windows user to attempt to connect to a
share offered by OI have failed.

Can anyone see what I'm leaving out?

Hi Harry.

The format of your username should be host_name\user_name

One thing you can try is enable guest access:


When setting up ACLs on the shares this page is pretty good:



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