On 11/10/13 09:39, Nikola M. wrote:
Does this means that Sun Studio / Oracle studio will not be able to run
on Openindiana after this change?
So it is intentional breaking compatibiliy with Studio or including all
software compiled with Studio?

Are you willing to have distribution that does not have Firefox ported
for it?

That's not related. Firefox might use C++, but its needed dependencies are all C, IIRC. So it can be built with either compiler.

I would not like to loose ability to run Studio on Openindiana or studio
compiled programs.
Maybe it became second option now but hey, it seems very strange to lost
support for such a compiler even if it is closed source.

Studio itself has now introduced a G++ ABI compatibility switch. So having G++-built libs in /usr/lib should not be the issue it once was.


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