On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 03:01:56AM +0000, Edward Ned Harvey (openindiana) wrote:
> At home, I have oi_151a7 and ESXi 5.1.
> I wrote down precisely how to share NFS, and mount from the ESXi machine.
>                 sudo zfs set sharenfs=rw=@,root=@ 
> mypool/somefilesystem
> I recall it was a pain to get the syntax correct, especially thanks to some
> innacuracy in the man page.  But I got it.

Please file a bug report. Thanks.

> Now at work I have oi_151a9 and ESXi 5.5.  I also have oi_151a7 and some
> ubuntu 12.04 servers and centos 5 & 6 servers.
> On the oi_151a9 machine, I do the precise above sharenfs command.  Then the
> oi_151a7 machine can mount, but both centos, ubuntu, and ESXi clients all
> fail to mount.  So I think, "ah-hah!"  That sounds like a NFS v3 conflict
> with v4!
> So then I do this:
>                 sudo sharectl set -p client_versmax=3 nfs

The above command is useless at the NFS server.

> sudo sharectl set -p server_versmax=3 nfs
> sudo svcadm refresh  svc:/network/nfs/server:default
> Now, *none* of the clients can mount.  So I put it back to 4, and the
> openindiana client can mount.
> Is NFS v3 simply broken in the latest OI?

I don't think so. There is no reason for that. I usually use latest (or almost
latest) code from illumos-gate (so hipster) and I've no problem with NFS.

> When I give the "-v" option to mount, I get nothing useful.
> There is also nothing useful in the nfsd logs.
> The only thing I have left to test...  I could try sharing NFS from the *old*
> oi server, and see if the new ESXi is able to mount it.  If ESXi is able to
> mount the old one, and not able to mount the new one, that would be a pretty
> solid indicator v3 is broken in 151_a9.

You should look at the communication between the NFS client and the NFS server
when the mount fails to see what exactly is the problem.

| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   mar...@telka.sk  |
|                homepage: http://telka.sk/ |
|                jabber:   mar...@jabber.sk |

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