On 07/07/14 15:55, Michelle Knight wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 15:47:26 -0400
> James Carlson <carls...@workingcode.com> wrote:
>> That probably should have been:
>> route -p add default
> Yup, that took and putting the interface back in again .. it has now
> survived two reboots.
> Any idea where I originally went wrong please?

The only things that looked out of place in your original message on
this thread is the attempt to restart "physical:default" and the "svcadm
enable" given before trying to configure things properly.

I don't know if things have changed in the 5 years or so since I
actively worked on that code, but at least back then it wasn't possible
to do a "restart" on the network/physical:default service.  It was just
a no-op.

The preferred way to do things when switching back and forth between the
:nwam and :default instances was to use the native commands (ifconfig
and so on) to set things up as desired.  Or, if you can't be bothered,
then reboot.

I don't know what "bge0 is showing as disabled" means (I don't see any
error or log messages).  For me, though, "ifconfig", "netstat", and
"route" are the commands I rely on to control IP interfaces and routing.
 Others will have to comment on "ipadm" usage.

At a guess, bge0 was just left unplumbed, and that was the problem.

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carls...@workingcode.com>

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