I really hesitated to post anything about OpenSXCE because I didn’t want to 
open people up to another Martin-bashing contest.  And immediately after 
hitting the “Send” button, I had the thought, “I really should have sent that 
privately to Peter.”  But that thought came just a hair too late, unfortunately.

I like Martin a lot.  He doesn’t have any interest whatsoever in what I think 
is important, but I like him.  So let’s please not have yet another ugly 
exchange about him.  It’s always easier to find fault with someone than to 
support him.  After all, to support a person takes a lot more work, and virtue.

Personally, if I had sparc gear, and couldn’t find a better OS for it, and if I 
thought OpenSXCE would be a reasonably decent solution for us, I’d offer Martin 
some money for paid support.  I bet he’d be give world-class support for a 
pittance compared to anyone else — for it would give him some money to eat with.

If I’m jumping the gun here, please forgive me — but let’s all please be nice 
about Martin.  There has been far too much fault-finding with him already.

For what it’s worth, I’d appreciate it.


Peter, hieromonk

On Sep 8, 2014, at 8:34 AM, Nikola M. <minik...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 09/ 8/14 11:07 AM, Jim Klimov wrote:
>> His mood about the ability of both sides to collaborate did fluctuate over 
>> time, but the last I heard from his blog, he did intend to push his sources 
>> into the public space. Ne is just wary that more commercialy apt sharks 
>> would take his multi-year and multi-dollar investment baby, for granted and 
>> for free, earn money for themselves and leave him on the curb
> One can not protect personal time and work investment in free software 
> projects that way,
> but with developing in open and in continuing collaborative effort.
> Best way of protecting your work actually and keep derived work able to be 
> used is to be publicly visible with changes, so no one can tell it is anyone 
> else's contribution, but yours.
> Word is that people tend to buy support contracts from people that know their 
> stuff and that can fix things for people using software products used in 
> production.
> One of things that lure people in using free software and software developed 
> with open source model,
> is that there is not a single party that can produce working product out of 
> code.
> On contrary, that right is explicitly allowed to the end user/customer with 
> all benefits of being able to change software you are using to better fit 
> yourself.
> Martin is simply wrong with not releasing and developing in open.
> it's obviously not doing it any good nor for anyone else. Not to mention 
> licenses for software require code to be released on every binary release to 
> _anyone_.
> In other words, when asking: What's first, chicken or an egg? Answer is 
> truly: a Chick.
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