Le 2014/09/14 17:26 +0200, Jim Klimov a écrit:
while i don't have a precise answer, i think that the set of valid
characters in dataset names is different from those in the POSIX
filesystems - i.e. '@' and '%' are reserved dataset separators (real
and receiving-in-progress snapshots) while valid in filenames.

We were taught in school that only '\0' and '/' are invalid in posix
fs object names, being the end of string and directory separator
accordingly. I am not sure if this holds in the utf era as well,

For the filenames, that's the default behaviour, all except \0 and / . However, you can restrict it only to UTF8 valid sequences with the "utf8only" property. That can only be enabled at dataset creation time, I tend to enable it nowadays. See also the "normalization" property.

For dataset/pool names, only a subset of ASCII is supported.


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