@Dmitry Kozhinov: You appear to be slightly confused.
Such "community" members like you make it easy for me to stop my efforts.
If you still didn't get it, or if you are new to Solaris: Everybody
who ever saw my CV (or who is a true OpenSolaris community member and
knows me for a decade) knows, that it was never my goal to create a
commercial "product" or "business".

What I had expected, however, was enough recognition to get hunted by
job hunters.
That however "commercially fails" only, because I fight for TRUTH and JUSTICE.
Maybe you never heard of such terms  ...

> That is, you blame evil users in your commercial fail. They all conspired. 
> Maybe in reality there is no demand for your product?

Where did I state that?
You are a perfect example for what I always say: There are good and
bad persons on all sides.

For my commercial fail?
You mean, because I offered free downloads with a license price of
__0__ for private users?

Traitor: All the best!

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