On 09/16/14 10:37 AM, Dave Koelmeyer wrote:

On 16/09/14 18:58, Martin Bochnig wrote:
#0.) You want to stop something by continuing it?

I'd very much like you – when you claim you're going to unsubscribe – to actually stick to it. Quite simply, you've become an incredible distraction with these ongoing posts, and I'd like the moderators to please keep you away, if you're not going to follow through on it yourself.
I would not like Martin to go away, just the contrary, I would like Martin to stay and be part of our community. I believe in freedom of speech and I think it is productive to hear each others opinions and to communicate. Martin is our friend by platform that needs our support and communicating and whatever path he chooses we are to try to support positive developments. Something always comes our of talking, if talking about technical things of course.

On the other hand, people's reactions and thoughts and opinions regarding what is on topic and off topic and general discussion steering are _precious and welcomed and it is great to see them.
I very much understand frustration by some topics, but:
One can filter/ignore topics, posters, subjects
and People are welcome to use their (personal) filters if they dislike someone's postings.

But at this moment I think it would be rude to bash anyone out or something.
If someone sends Spam , commercials or really off topic things as prelevant thing, then it could be thought of warning etc. But lets not be rude. Maybe Martin could enjoy having also hes' own mailing list, too so we all would expect to be welcome at hes' place too.

Martin could avoid combining ontopic and offtopic things in postings, we all know that will not be any time soon. :P But hey, as long he talks about project and OI and software he belongs here

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