On 11/28/14 06:25 PM, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
If it’s C++, the name mangling is different; look up the options for the Sun
> and GNU versions of nm respectively, use each version of nm with its
> demangling option, and whichever has sensible output corresponds to the
> compiler used.

Even with Studio, there are now at least 7 different binary incompatible
options for building C++ code:

 -compat=4 - pre-C++98 SunPro 4.x compiler ABI (only in Studio 12.2 & older)
 -compat=5 (aka -std=sun03) - C++03 Sun compiler ABI
 -compat=g (aka -std=c++03) - C++03 with g++ extensions/ABI
 -std=c++11 - C++11 features & g++ library/ABI (only in Studio 12.4 & later)
 -library=Cstd - C++03 with Studio libCstd library
 -library=stdcxx4 - C++03 with Apache stdcxx library
 -library=stlport4 - C++03 with STLport library

As you'll see in the CC man page, all C++ code in a program must use the
same -compat, -std, & -library flags - you can't use a library built with
different ones than the program itself uses.


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