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Gesendet: Montag, 30. März 2015 um 09:38 Uhr
Von: "Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss" 
An: "Discussion list for OpenIndiana" <openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org>, 
"OpenIndiana Developer mailing list" <oi-...@openindiana.org>
Betreff: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] UPDATE: New FF37 pkg uploaded, Flash Plugins 
9/10/11.x ... do work now inside a gcc compiled Firefox now!
>> BTW: Tell me a good reason why I should upload the src ...
>> (6 still unpaid weeks hard fulltime work for about 100 EUR "donations"
>> all together .....)
> IMHO there are two ways here. Either we set up a found and give people money 
> for their
> work provided it is Open Source or you just make a site and sell whatever 
> your "products".
> Please no more noise.
> A.S.
> ----------------------
> Apostolos Syropoulos> 
> Xanthi, Greece

Experiences like this are in fact the reason, why I no longer upload the diffs 
since 2009 (as I did do from April 2006 on).
I wanted to, but every time somebody like you bashes me. On Illumos-discuss it 
was the same, only worse.
You blame me for uploading some bins for free, that any person can download 
free of charge, and that's what continues to generate more than a Terabyte of 
downloads per year from opensxce.org (Al Hopper pays for all that since 2006!).
I have hundred areas where I didn't just fetch Oracle's latest upstream in 
contrast to OpenIndiana, but merged the newer src to support good old 
behaviour, such as strictly supporting i386 and amd64 simultanously, keeping 
X11 in /usr/X11 plus symlinks (I backported it because it is the only way how 
you can have more than a single Xorg hierarchies installed at the same time, 
you only need a single rename or lofs or nfs-mount to test a newly created 
build and debug it), Intel-GEM/KMS, getting FF37 built, making the gcc build 
work with Flash, make Flash not crash on Illumos kernels and so on. Then think 
op SPARC and JDS working fine on openXsun that I made work with Xorg's libXfont.
I also have fully functional slim_install since November 2014 (final checkout 
before its closure and migration into OS/Net behind Oracle's Firewall), which I 
backported to snv_147 aka Illumos+x. It supports EFI 100% as well as Oracle 
Solaris 11.2 does.
It took 200-fold more time to get the mentioned areas solved, than just 
building and shipping Oracle's upstream, using the IPS manifests mostly 
unchanged and doing "gmake publish" plus committing it to the repo.
That's why I spent on it as much time as you and most if not all others here in 
your paid job, that earns you thousands per month.

I uploaded not my diffs, because of you and folks like you.
But the src itself was provided by Illumos, Sun/Oracle and is easily available.
If you are not capable of building it, is it also my fault?????
You call OpenSXCE a set of "products", because any idiot can download it for 
free, without registration, without thanking me, anonymously??????
How many 0.000% of the time I worked for free on OpenSolaris have _____YOU____ 
done anything for free for OpenSolaris?
You dare to call it noise, that I in fact made FF37 available for such 
thankless [censored] like you?
In fact: You call it noise, that I gave Alex (whom I really respect) some first 
hints concerning EFI vs. latest Oracle provided (Sept 20012)  GUI-Installer?
I have Grub2 working on x86.
What gives you the credentials to talk to me like this?
What was it, you have at some point built OpenOffice (also included in OpenSXCE 
both ISA's) is there more or was it that already??
You know, you are right.
I must stop "persons" like you from benefiting from my unwanted work.
And I must stop what you call "noise", when I tried to find a reason why, for 
whom and when I should upload the diffs.
This is thankless shit, it can never be more than a time- and health-wasting 
unpaid hobby.
I overestimated this entire Solaris thing 10 years ago.
It was a mistake.
My biggest so far.
And I agree with you: OI should not get these features from me.
Because most of its user base simply doesn't DESERVE it (thanks and sorry to 
the very small number of individuals, that does).
> Apostolos Syropoulos {posted noise, but blamed me for it}
You destroyed the deal, I congratulate you.
Ahh, once last thing: Let me stop the time how long OI will take to reach this 
level, as I outlined above.
Will it happen before 2023?
I apologize to Alex and Nikola.
It's not you friends who made me dislike OI, rather almost the opposite.
It was Sun as early as in 2007, but I won't repeat the BeleniX history, nor 
will I remind you of Sun's IPS dictatorship yet another time.
Who was on opensolaris-discuss in 2007 knows what I'm talking about.


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