On 28/04/2015 16:58, Hans J Albertsson wrote:
Is the desktop dying, then?

Solaris still actively delivers and develops the desktop part,
that means, the spec files are current state. No, that does
not depend on Sun rays, they are EOL already...

Alexander compiles at least parts of X11 for /hipster, so he
has a working scheme how to build it there.
Milan Jurik has the full JDS as delivered in /dev oi151a9, but
sadly, has retired from work. This would be the one you need
to reproduce firefox as build by Oracle, as that relies (on
basis of the Sun spec files) on Sunstudio compiled libraries.
But if the Sun spec files are now build against newer Studio
releases than 12.1 (which Milan used), they may lack now patches
necessary for the older compiler.
Since I suspect you want (and better) build with gcc against
the /hipster release, the Oracle spec files are only a guideline,
as gcc probably doesn't need all the patches there (or different
variants). So I think the best start is to build firefox with
gcc on /hipster, and sort out those patches from Sun that are
Studio-specific and keep those for Solaris peculiarities and
try repeated build/test cycles, until you have it stable.
Aristopoulos has gone this way, and seems to be quite near
a working firefox for /hipster.

For now, it may be possible to gather all CC Studio compiled
libraries firefox needs (not that much, as most of the stuff
is clean C that should be interchangeable between compilers)
from oi151a9, collect them in a single directory on /hipster,
'env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/that_directory firefox', and the Oracle
delivered firefox should work as expected (apart from
libstdc++.so.6 and libgcc_s.so.1, which may be need to be
drawn from omniOS, since there's something wrong with them
on oi151 since a while, I need that workaround for MongoDB).

For the long run, the desktop situation is quite bad for OI,
it may be working for a while to just keep the existing
stuff (which is not that bad) with the given build system
(if someone understands and maintains it), but further
development needs a capable expert for that huge batch, which
we currently don't have after Milan resigned.
At least working firefox/thunderbird packages would be a
relief and may carry us a few years forward.
Dr.Udo Grabowski   Inst.f.Meteorology & Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology           http://www.kit.edu
Postfach 3640,76021 Karlsruhe,Germany T:(+49)721 608-26026 F:-926026

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