
russell писал 04.06.2015 22:27:

After getting frustrated with running Firefox 31.3.0 crashing on
OpenIndiana if it was left running for any length of time.
I did start the process of building Firefox v38.0.1. As a result of
this I found a couple of things when attempting to do this, the
pulseaudio library was not installed an easy fix if you know its
there. The question should be "Should PulseAudio be installed by
default on a desktop install?". I would say yes.

It should be installed by default after recent Hipster updates.

Carrying on with Firefox, I had to work to find a reasonable configure
command, this was after working out the best value for PATH so that
the right version of the GNU applications are called for configure to
work correctly.

CC=gcc PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/gnu/lib/pkgconfig"
CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/gnu/include LDFLAGS="-L/opt/gnu/lib -R/opt/gnu/lib
-lsocket -lnsl" ../mozilla-release/configure
--prefix=/opt/firefox-38.0.1 --disable-alsa

Now I got the stage that configure reports the following error.

configure: error: ECMAScript Internationalization API is not yet
supported on this platform

You can take a look at my FF 31 version (mostly based on pkgsrc one). Unfortunately, this version doesn't work with flash plugin...

System Administrator of Southern Federal University Computer Center

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