this message is the first instance of the Hipster News Bi-weekly.

Every two weeks, we will try to give a comprehensive overview of the recent

- developments,
- new and updated packages,
- current known issues,
- works-in-progress and future goals.

This will hopefully allow you to get better understanding of the current
activity and give you the opportunity to provide insights and feedback.
We will also post these news to a blog entry (yet to be defined).

There has been a lot of activity in the past weeks in oi-userland [1],
summarized below: most notable being the encumbered repository.

1. Hipster encumbered repository

The encumbered repository for Hipster [2] was created to provide multimedia
software which used to be part of sfe-encumbered.
As a first step ffmpeg 2.7.2 and dependencies were added.

You can find a list of components which ought to be added in the coming
weeks, on the Wiki page [3].

Contributing new components is as easy as:

- forking + cloning the oi-userland repository,
- copying one subdirectory of components/encumbered to get started,
- modify the Makefile and add patches if necessary such that ‘gmake
install’ succeeds,
- generating a manifest with ‘gmake sample-manifest’ and modifying it if
- creating a pull-request.

2. Summary of oi-userland activity


- encumbered: ffmpeg 2.7.2 + dependent libraries
- openal 1.16.0
- bullet 2.83
- inkscape 0.48.5


- Apache 2.4.16
- Lighttpd 1.4.36
- Perl 5.22 (in progress)
- PHP 5.5.27, 5.4.43
- freetype 2.5.5
- libdrm to 2.4.62
- nodejs 0.12.7
- several X11 components and libraries, in sync with x-s12-clone
- Boost 1.58 with MPI support
- Compiz Fusion 8.10


- Apache 1.3
- MySQL 5.1
- Perl 5.10 (see Heads-up below !)

Current goals:

- add GTK3: requires atk, gobject-introspection update first
- port of LibreOffice 4.4.x: warm thanks to Apostolos Syroupolos for
contributing the librevenge component, any help is appreciated ! [4]
- update Pulseaudio to 6.0: in progress
- add more components to hipster-encumbered, priority being VLC and
gstreamer bad/ugly codecs

 3. Heads-up: Perl 5.10 deprecation

Removal of Perl 5.10 means that default illumos.sh will not work any longer
and you need to add :

 export PERL_VERSION="5.22";
 export PERL_PKGVERS="-522"

to illumos.sh  while compiling illumos-gate.

Thank you for reading us !

[1] https://github.com/OpenIndiana/oi-userland
[2] http://pkg.openindiana.org/hipster-encumbered/
[3] http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/Multimedia
[4] http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/LibreOffice
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