Hi all:

I think it'd be worthwhile putting together a write up of Martin's work on
this topic. We could then send this out to the list, educate users on how
to test it, and even send to some journalists such as Phoronix, et al.

Here's an initial list of questions. Please feel free to edit. I'll collate
the responses onto the OpenIndiana wiki, and we can then decide what to do

1. Elevator pitch/ Two sentence summary of Martin's work on Intel DRM/KMS.

2. What is Intel DRM?

3. What is Intel KMS?

4. Why are these important?

5. What is Martin doing in this space?

6. What can Open Indiana users do to help test?

7. How does this fit in the Open Indiana roadmap ?

8. How does this fit with the Illumos cause?

Please reply with responses to the above and with further questions and
answers, if any.

-- Ram
openindiana-discuss mailing list

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