On 01/27/2016 05:16 AM, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

This is an interesting topic. OpenIndiana has the device driver utility
which is capable of uploading the results of a compatibility scan.
Unfortunately that tool is configured to send those results to a server
side infrastructure which no longer exists.

If this could be reprogrammed to send those result to an OI server,
perhaps something could be done with the information...e.g. an improved HCL
could be assembled.

I suggested something similar a long time ago but it requires repackaging
and updating the ddu utility first as there is no repository for this tool
(disappeared with opensolaris.org) and the C source has been partially lost
(now moved back to Solaris ON and thus closed).
That's also why there is no component in oi-userland, it is waiting
patiently on the list though:


I created a repository and started fixing the missing bits a while ago but
this is going very slowly as it lies at the bottom of my TODO list... If
there is an interest I can setup a public repository.

The OI project would definitely benefit from more developers. You guys can only do so much by yourselves. Keep up the good work!

Maybe as the our documentation efforts begin to bear fruit, we might begin to attract some Linux and or BSD devs, and hopefully some students as well.


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