You can use Clonezille with the savedisk/ restoredisk option.
It images/restores the disk with ntfsclone, partclone or dd if a filesystem is unsupported.

I use it on Macs (OSX + Windows) and to deploy/backup/restore my napp-it ZFS appliance.
The image can be on another disk/USB stick or a network share.


Am 19.04.2016 um 08:37 schrieb Jean-Pierre André:
Chris Redding wrote:

Hello, I want to take the plunge so to speak into Unix/Linux and I want to triple boot Windows/Unix/Linux. I would like to know of a backup program that can image over each of the three OS. Thank you, Chris

I have triple boot Windows+Linux+OpenIndiana. All my user
data (development, docs, music, ...) are shared in an ntfs
partition which I backup by rsync.

The system partitions only contain systems.
Backup methods :
Windows (ntfs) : ntfsclone
Linux (ext3) : partimage
OpenIndiana (zfs) : dd
mbr : dd
partition layout : sfdisk

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