26 июня 2016 г. 21:27:28 CEST, James Carlson <carls...@workingcode.com> пишет:
>On 6/24/2016 7:47 PM, Jerry Kemp wrote:
>> Using the routeadm command as an example.
>> /sbin 445 # ls -l /sbin/routeadm
>> -r-xr-xr-x   1 root     bin        45992 Dec 16  2010 /sbin/routeadm
>> /sbin 446 #
>> If I were to look at this file next week, and saw that it was
>> aside from the fact that it now had a new time stamp of
>> 24 June 2016
>> , is there any way using tools/applications within OpenIndiana to
>> who or what or what process modified the files time stamp?  Or
>> tools external to OpenIndiana?
>Just to clarify: have you actually seen the mtime on /sbin/routeadm
>change in an unexpected way, or is that just illustrative of one
>possible file path you'd like to protect against unwanted change?
>In general, UNIX doesn't keep records of which process or user made a
>change.  There are records kept for a change from one UID to another
>(login, su, sudo, pfexec, and the like), and in many cases those are
>sufficient for locating a culprit, but the records don't include
>individual changes made.
>But see also Solaris Auditing, which does in fact do the sorts of
>you're describing:

Also I recently saw an LD_PRELOAD libsnoopy catch exec{ve}() calls and passing 
lines to logger. Did not test it yet under Solarish OSes, but it was easy to 
fire up under Debian.


Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Samsung Android

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