Err, before I blindly claim stuff about nspluginwrapper-1.4.4, 1 

Четверг, 8 сентября 2016, 18:03 UTC от Мартин Бохниг via openindiana-discuss 

> In its entire src there is at no single place any mention of (shortened 
> search string) "deregister_frame_info_bases" so perhaps it's in the 
> symbols table of the LinUX plugin binary (?)

no, but probably was referenced by gcc's core libs itself?
But before I make unverified statements (which I never do), first I need to 
spend some time with it.

But one finding stands, this symbol is no-where referenced in the wrapper src 

martin@Hipster:/code/20160908thu__NSAPI_PLUGIN/nspluginwrapper-1.4.4$ grep -n 
deregister_frame_info_bases *
grep: lsb-build: Is a directory
grep: npapi: Is a directory
grep: src: Is a directory
grep: tests: Is a directory
grep: utils: Is a directory
martin@Hipster:/code/20160908thu__NSAPI_PLUGIN/nspluginwrapper-1.4.4$ grep -n 
deregister_frame_info_bases */*
grep: lsb-build/headers: Is a directory
grep: lsb-build/stub_libs: Is a directory
martin@Hipster:/code/20160908thu__NSAPI_PLUGIN/nspluginwrapper-1.4.4$ grep -n 
deregister_frame_info_bases */*/*
grep: lsb-build/headers/atk-1.0: Is a directory
grep: lsb-build/headers/fontconfig: Is a directory
grep: lsb-build/headers/glib-2.0: Is a directory
grep: lsb-build/headers/gtk-2.0: Is a directory
grep: lsb-build/headers/pango-1.0: Is a directory
grep: lsb-build/headers/sys: Is a directory
martin@Hipster:/code/20160908thu__NSAPI_PLUGIN/nspluginwrapper-1.4.4$ grep -n 
deregister_frame_info_bases */*/*/*
grep: lsb-build/headers/atk-1.0/atk: Is a directory
grep: lsb-build/headers/glib-2.0/glib: Is a directory
grep: lsb-build/headers/glib-2.0/gobject: Is a directory
grep: lsb-build/headers/gtk-2.0/gdk: Is a directory
grep: lsb-build/headers/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf: Is a directory
grep: lsb-build/headers/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf-xlib: Is a directory
grep: lsb-build/headers/gtk-2.0/gtk: Is a directory
grep: lsb-build/headers/pango-1.0/pango: Is a directory
martin@Hipster:/code/20160908thu__NSAPI_PLUGIN/nspluginwrapper-1.4.4$ grep -n 
deregister_frame_info_bases */*/*/*/*
martin@Hipster:/code/20160908thu__NSAPI_PLUGIN/nspluginwrapper-1.4.4$ grep -n 
deregister_frame_info_bases */*/*/*/*/*
grep: */*/*/*/*/*: No such file or directory

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