Hi Guenther

This really much Sounds like our version of VMmouse Driver is too old.
Have you tried the Virtual Maschine Tools Additions ISO in VMware yet? or has that been removed too.
Do you need the GUI on an the OI machines?
Could you dedicate some time Updating open-vm-tools in OI userland? This would help all VMware users.


Am 10.12.2016 um 10:27 schrieb Guenther Alka:
hello Till

Am 08.12.2016 um 16:29 schrieb Till Wegmüller:
Hi Guenther

What Happens when you use a ESXi 6.0 with HTML5 GUI ?

same or even more problems (this one was really buggy)
With OI, you have a mouse there but quite inresponsive with a "second shadow mouse pointer"

Is the Vsphere Client Really not usable anymore with 6.5? ESX Usually has Backwards compatibility. Even if not supported.

Basic settings and console is working with 6.0 vsphere, others like the vsphere filebrowser with upload not. Windows Vsphere is definitly EoL.

It could be that the VMware Tools need an Update. Have you tried to install vmware tools on the Guest via Text Console?

I installed the tools on ESXi 6.0u2 via pkg install open-vm-tools but no difference regarding mouse

You say that the First installation Step worked. Was Mouse Freezing after a while or was the whole Screen Freezing?

you can bootup OI live with the GUI. A mouse right click gives you a property menu where you can navigate with keyboard. Left mouse key or mouse pointer not working/visible.



Am 08.12.2016 um 12:59 schrieb Guenther Alka:
I wanted to install Hipster 2016.10 GUI on the new ESXi 6.5 free where the new local html-5 webconsole is the only management option. The old Windows vsphere client is no longer supported. First setup setup step was ok but I was not able to get a working mouse so installation from the GUI was not possible.

No problem when using an older ESXi 6.0 with Windows Vsphere or using a text edition.


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