In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] arp response tuning for IP Source...:

Have you run any tcpdump / anything to check what exactly happens?

I tried 'sudo tcpdump arp', but whenever I run tcpdump, all I get is:

        tcpdump: unknown data link type 524288

Our network engineers indicated they could also analyze snoop output,
so I instead ran

        sudo snoop -v -o /tmp/snoop-arp arp

and captured a couple minutes worth of traffic.  Our principal network
engineer is looking at it now.

As far as I remember this feature does the following:
It has a dhcp snooping database, which basicaly tracks all dhcp requests.

You're right that IP Source Guard originally relied on DHCP.  That was
one of the first things that our networking staff mentioned when they
started explaining what they had done that was causing problems for
my workstation & hipster VM.

However, the latest iteration of IP Source Guard apparently now also
has the ability to build its IP,MAC table from the results of the
switch making periodic ARP requests.  That's the method this switch
was using, not the DHCP method.  My workstation doesn't get its IPv4
or IPv6 addresses via DHCP; they're statically assigned.  My hipster
VM *does* get its address via DHCP.

Thanks much for the response,

Tim Mooney                                   
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure                  701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, Quentin Burdick Building                  701-231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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