jason matthews <ja...@broken.net> writes:

Sorry that I slaughtered your nifty commands so bad.  I haven't been
able to get copy paste working on the vm that is the target and so
have been torturing things with my poor typing.

This time I scpped your message across to both hosts so no bunky retyping

> step:
> 1. on target system - this means you log in over there and run this command:
>     mbuffer -s 128k -m 1999m -I 31337 | tamp -d | zfs recv -vFd p0
> 2. on source system
>     zfs send p0/vb/vm@170326_1 | tamp | mbuffer -s 128k -m 1000m -O 
> target:31337

Thank you sir ... that setup works as promised!
I'm sorry for making you do the extra work.. but thank you for persisting.

> did you install tamp on both systems?

Yes, I did have enough sense for that bit.

You commands are running along nicely as I respond..

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