On 09/10/17 09:49 AM, Harry Putnam wrote:
Once a new install is updated and all the pkgs you expect to need are
installed, how can I replicate that installed image onto another host?
Or more likely, onto several more hosts.

Hoping to eliminate some of the chores involved in bringing a new install
up to date and having all pkgs I'm likely to need installed.

Once that work has been done, I'd like to be able to prepare several
hosts with that same setup, ready to go to work.

Maybe just using 'pkg list' to list installed packages and use 'pkg install' on that list to get the same config on the other end? For packages to be exactly the same one needs to have also package versions in 'pkg list' but bare in mind that previously available package versions are being removed after new Oi snapshot is published, so no exact binary package versions are retained to install exact the same packages anymore.
But having names of the packages on the list might be enough for your use.

There is also automated installer (AI) that should serve the use you described, to prepare recepies, and installing host to install on many machines the same or appropriate configurations. I personally haven't used it yet, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to try it out and see how it is working:P

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