
On 31 October 2017 at 11:54, Alexander Pyhalov <a...@rsu.ru> wrote:

> Hi.
> OI Hipster 2017.10 snapshot is ready.

Good job .. however just small advice.
IMO announcement like this one should be posted by OI release manager
everywhere where it is only possible starting from http://theregister.co.uk/,
http://sun.systemnews.com/ and maybe even http://lwn.net/ as well (as it is
not strictly Linux related portal and redactors of this portal are posting
*BSD and other OSes announcements as well).
Without such post release activity it will be very hard to keep enough
number of people interested in using and developing OI.
Or in other words a lot of effort without such posting will be lost.

So please Alex or someone else from OI team (please, please ..) take care
establishing necessary contacts and remember posting such announcements not
only here to spread good news :)
Even this announcements still IMO should be pushed everywhere where it is
only possible and by doing this ROI of preparing announcement messages will
be waaay higher than now and as result OI will have better change to
survive and grow faster.

If someone have idea where such announcements could posted posted except
those which I've listed please send addresses here or straight to Alex.

Again: good job and thank you to anyone who contributed to this snapshot

Tomasz Kłoczko | LinkedIn: *http://lnkd.in/FXPWxH <http://lnkd.in/FXPWxH>*
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