On Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 12:30 AM, Michael Huff <mph...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11/11/2017 12:43 PM, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm doing something wrong here, but I'm not sure what.
>>> I ran pkg update to (presumably) get the new xorg package.
>>> Then I did a pkgrm SUNWvboxguest and rebooted
>>> Then tried to do a reinstall from the autorun prompt -and got the usual
>>> error about the xorg libraries.
>>> I checked the xorg log and didn't find any autoconfiguration lines.
>>> I am sure what is the logic with metapackages.
>> pkg info x11/server/xorg/driver/xorg-video-vboxvideo
>> should report that the package is installed.
>> Otherwise you need to install it manually.
>> No xorg.conf was required in my virtual machine.
> I typed that command, and it reported that it's installed.
> I still get the same errors trying to install guest additions, but after I
> moved /etc/X11/xorg.conf out of the way I was able to use the GUI to
> specify the resolution I want (in my host/virtualbox; view -> virtual
> screen 1 -> resize to 1920x1080. In my Hipster guest; preferences ->
> hardware -> displays.) .
> I'm not sure if the kernel drivers installed or not, but at least I have a
> "normal" resolution.

Your xorg.conf was forcing vesa so removing was just enough.
You should see vboxvideo in /var/log/Xorg.0.log

> Thanks for your help!
>> This is my /etc/X11/xorg.conf (autoconfigured when I chose the vesa option
>>> to start the installer dvd/iso);
>>> root@virtdiana:/var/log# cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
>>> Section "Device"
>>>          Identifier  "Card0"
>>>          Driver      "vesa"
>>> EndSection
>>> ...that's it. I ran "pkg search vb" to try to find the driver you're
>>> talking about, but nothing came up.
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