
In my system I tried  once to enable lightdm but I could not log in so
I reverted to gdm that worked just fine. The latest version of hipster
has removed all gdm related things and now I cannot log in to my account!
The login screen appears, I enter my user name and my password, the screen
becomes black and then I see the login screen again and again and again.
Is there ant way to actually login into my account? BTW, it is possible
to reinstall the missing gdm bits?


PS I have found a way to solve the problem of getting accents on Greek letters
(this is on a different machine). I just start ibus from the
System --> Control Center, logout, login and it works! Of course this
is not  solution but a hack since the original input method should work...

Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece
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