On 08/30/19 08:53 AM, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
On 08/30/19 02:30, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
Hi All,

I was able to inststall virtual box.

First I had to do a "sudo pkg update" which downloaded about 600 MB and
then I had to reboot.

After that, when I did

pkg search virtualbox
This will do only local search, for search on repository try (or any other package):
:; pkg search -r virtualbox

it found it and then I did

sudo pfexec pkg install virtualbox
Only sudo OR pfexec will be enough (I use later one).

This is where I am at now and it does not seem to have installed anything
into the Mate GUI so I am lookng around to see if there is some binary
executable somewhere.
:; which VirtualBox

Could be starting point.

I use RAW zfs for VB guest storage (based on http://schlueters.de/blog/archives/137-ZFS-and-VirtualBox.html) which (IMHO) speed guest

That's interesting, Predrag! I blogged about this setup recently (https://dev.to/mnohime/use-raw-zfs-volume-for-virtualbox-guest-45jg) and I found it incredibly slow, much slower (sic) than using VDI image.

I'd be interested in seeing how your setup performs: RAW ZFS v. VDI image.

I got a very nice comment in the post by Mike Gerdts about what might went wrong in my setup, but I didn't have the time so far to investigate his points.


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