Rebuilds are done... let us hope everything republished fine...
There was a problem in qt5, sorry about the delay.

On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 8:47 PM Tim Mooney <> wrote:

> In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] ICU update and rebuilds, Aur?lien...:
> > ICU is being updated to a non-ABI compatible version and quite a few
> > components need a the server will be quite busy and
> > unavailable at times in the coming 10 hours.
> > I would suggest postponing any update...
> I looked at updating ICU about 6 months ago, saw the list of dependencies,
> and decided to tackle other packaging updates that didn't seem so
> insurmountable.
> OpenSSL is another place where I "gave up", though it's even more
> complicated than ICU because of the API changes and potential dependent
> component updates required.
> Do you have any words of wisdom or suggestions for how to approach
> a component with so many dependencies?  Were there any "tricks" that
> you used to make the ICU updates easier?  It looks like for many of the
> "easy" rebuilds, you grouped them into one PR (#5829).  How did you decide
> which ones could all be handled in one branch, and which ones needed
> their own separate git branch and PR?
> Has there ever been any discussion about splitting just the library
> into a separate package so that it's possible to have multiple versions
> of the shared library installed at once, to make it possible to migrate
> dependencies in "phases" to the latest version, rather than having to
> coordinate rebuilding dozens of packages?
> Thanks for your work on this!  I can only imagine how tedious this
> was to accomplish...
> Tim
> --
> Tim Mooney                                   
> Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure /
> Division of Information Technology    /                701-231-1076 (Voice)
> North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
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> openindiana-discuss mailing list

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