On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 11:37:02AM +0200, Predrag Zecevic - Unix Systems 
Administrator wrote:
> This is pretty annoying: Xorg fills in syslog with messages like:
> [2020-10-23 10:15:03] solarix genunix: [ID 864859 kern.notice] NOTICE:
> Xorg[1075]: missing privilege "sys_devices" (euid = 2903, syscall = 54)
> needed at drv_priv+0x1d#012

I don't get those messages, either in /var/adm/messages or
/var/log/syslog .  What are you doing that I'm not?

> euid is my UID:
> :; id
> uid=2903(predrag_zecevic) gid=1961(admin) groups=1961(admin),1962(vboxuser)

The parent process of Xorg is lightdm .  It runs as root, but Xorg
runs as the console user.  That will be you.  You may need to grant
yourself more privileges.

> For today only:
> :; grep -E "2020-10-23.*Xorg.*missing privilege" /var/adm/messages | awk
> '{printf("%s\n", $12)}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
>   75750 "sys_devices"
>     173 "file_dac_search"
>       4 "proc_owner"
>       2 "file_dac_read"
> What has to be added to /etc/security/exec_attr.d/SOME_FILE to prevent this?

It's possible that nobody on this mailing list understands illumos
privileges.  Maybe try an illumos mailing list.

-Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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