On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 04:20:49PM +0000, Kalle Anka via openindiana-discuss 
> @Gary Mills, 
> the "hal service" has started and runs fine. I get the same output as you. 

Okay, hal is running.  That is good to know.

> However, there are several posts from Linux users, having the same
> problems as I do. For instance:

> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/152418/x-server-started-by-kdm-dies-during-startup-because-of-keymap-couldnt-be-loaded
> http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=107337
> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=54015&p=2

> It seems that this problem can be fixed by reinstalling
> "x11-xkb-utils" or "xkbcomp " if you read the threads. So I dont
> really understand how to do that on OI?

That solution is too magical for me.  The OI USB image should have
everything that it needs.

> I also tried to dabble with BIOS settings
> Legacy USB
> ...

> but I still get the same Xorg error messages as usual. How can I
> fix the xkbcomp software on OI?

You may be chasing the wrong fox.  It seems to me that the real
problem is that something is telling Xorg not to use hal.  You can't
do that.  Near the beginning of the Xorg log is the statement:

[    44.620] (II) The server relies on HAL to provide the list of input devices.
If no devices become available, reconfigure HAL or disable AutoAddDevices.

Your Xorg seems to search for the keyboard without the aid of hal.  It
should not be compiling a keymap at all.  Perhaps the command does not
exist.  Perhaps it's looking in the wrong place.  In any case, the
error is here.

> BTW, I dont use the integrated graphics of Intel HD4600, I have
> shut it off. I only use the Geforce GTX 1070 Ti. And Vesa driver.

How do you specify the VESA driver?  Xorg does that itself if it finds
that the other drivers don't work.  Could you try not specifying the
VESA driver for a test?  In fact, try booting the OI USB image without
making any changes.  It should be a BIOS boot.  Maybe you've already
tried that.

You could even try enabling the built-in Intel video and disabling the
external video in the BIOS setup.  Maybe the OI boot will work
correctly then.  The video output will be on a different connector,
of course.

-Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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